Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


29.05.2018 10:08
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"People's creativity: ancient crafts" festival

"People's creativity: ancient crafts" festival

On May 25-26, 2018, Culture TV Channel and the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of ANAS hosted the "People's Art: Ancient Crafts" festival at the Gala State Historical-Ethnographic Reserve in Baku's Gala Village.

The event was organized in accordance with President Ilham Aliyev's Decree dated 16 May 2017 "On the 100th Anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic".

The festival featured antique handicrafts, book-sale, national costumes and dances, , dance performances, pianos, interactive games, pony riding (for children), carpet weaving and other samples. The rich history, archeological and ethnographic materials are of great interest to foreign and local tourists.

This festival is part of the "From Past to Future" project by Gullu Yologlu, the Head of the People's Creative Directorate of the Culture TV Channel, and is of great importance in protecting our national moral values ​​and bringing it to future generations.

Director of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, Professor Maisa Rahimova, director of Gala State Historical-Ethnographic Reserve, PhD in History Malahat Farajova, senior researcher at Folklore Institute, Ph.D., Associate Professor Ilhama Gasabova and others spoke at the official part of the festival. The speeches highlighted the importance of the establishment of the People's Republic of Azerbaijan in the history of our people's struggle for independence.

After the official part, the participants and guests of the festival watched the performances of folk dance and musical groups, national martial arts, and acquainted with the works of masters of ancient art and amateur artists.

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