Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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06.06.2018 11:04
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The presentation of the book by Academician Zakhid Khalilov "Fundamentals of functional analysis"

The presentation of the book by Academician Zakhid Khalilov "Fundamentals of functional analysis"

ANAS Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics held presentation of the book "Fundamentals of functional analysis", published for the 2nd time in Moscow by founder of the Azerbaijan mathematical school, honored worker of science, educator, public figure, academician Zakhid Khalilov on June 6.

At the event, director of the institute, ANAS corresponding member Misir Mardanov spoke about the contribution of the outstanding scientist to the development of the Azerbaijani mathematical science. He noted that, a new tendencies and ideas of Zahid Khalilov one of the founders of our national mathematical school, enriched the mathematical science and gave impetus to the training of many scientists in this field.

M.Mardanov noted that, the 1st monograph in Russian on functional analysis - "Fundamentals of functional analysis" was published by Z. Khalilov in 1949. He noted that, in this monograph published by publishing house of the Azerbaijan State University, the boundary problems were solved for a system of polyharmonic equations, and the results were applied to the study of the bending of an elastic plate.

Speaking about the theoretical and practical significance of the monograph, which was reprinted in Moscow for the 2nd time by the decision of the Academic Council of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, M.Mardanov said that, the publication also included an article "The Role of Zahid Khalilov in the Development of Mathematical Science".

It was noted that, Z.Khalilov, for the first time in mathematics world studied differential equations in the class of functions from a Banach space. The general method for solving singular equations in Banach algebra in mathematics is known as "The theory of Zahid Ismail oglu Khalilov".

At the event, academician Ramiz Mammadov, Professors Mammad Bayramoglu, Sabir Mirzaev, Ramiz Aslanov, Akbar Aliyev, Araz Aliyev, Khidayat Huseynov and others spoke about the scientific and pedagogical activities of the great scientist, his high human qualities and shared his memories of him.

In conclusion, Hikmet Khalilov, on behalf of the family of the scientist, expressed gratitude to the organizers and participants of the event for respect and reverence.

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