Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


04.05.2014 00:00
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“Entertaining science” in Khachmaz

“Entertaining science” in Khachmaz

Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Ministry of Education held “Entertaining Science” with students of Khachmaz. For students has been shown interesting experiments in physics, chemistry and biology. Medina Nurmammadova, chief of education department spoke about state care for science development in a event organized in Susay rural secondary school. 25 thousand 375 students are studying in this school. They annually take part in competitions and other kinds of subject Olympiads, she noted.

According to the Head of Public Relations Department of ANAS Central Administration of the Presidium Said Huseynov, the academy carries out science promotion among schoolchildren in the regions. The goal is to increase interest of younger generation in science. Initiative put forward by ANAS president acad. Akif Alizadeh is derived from the upcoming objectives of “State Program on socio-economic development of regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2014-2018” signed by President Ilham Aliyev.

Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of ANAS, PhD in Physics Famin Salmanov spoke about the academy, as well as briefly informed the students on structure and the outstanding scientists.

Finally, young scientists of ANAS Institutes of Physics, Radiation Problems, Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry, as well as Central Botanical Garden demonstrated entraining experiences.

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