Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


08.08.2018 09:07
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Discovered a skeleton belonging to the late Bronze period in Yardimli

Discovered a skeleton belonging to the late Bronze period in Yardimli

Yardimli archaeological expedition began researching of mounds belonging to the late Bronze period in the territory of the Arvana village near the Koman pastures, led by the leading scientific researcher of ANAS Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, Ph.D in History, Associate Professor Anar Agalarzadeh.

During the excavations, was discovered a skeleton of a man, buried in a dismembered form, which is one of the characteristic customs of the Bronze Age.

The fragment of gray-black ceramics founded near the skeleton allows us to say that, the grave belongs to the late period of bronze.

For definition of exact date of burial of a skeleton the institution will carry out the radio-carbon analysis of bones.

A.Agalarzadeh noted that, as a result of systematic studies in the region it will be possible to clarify the issue of settling the mountainous part of the territory by ancient tribes.

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