Archeological researches conducted in Salbir ancient and medieval settlements located in Gabala region within the framework of joint cooperation between ANAS Institute of Archeology and Ethnography and Seoul National University (Korea) are underway since August.
Archeological research is headed by leading scientist of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of Azerbaijan, PhD in history, head of the ancient and medieval archeological expedition of Gabala, Jeyhun Eminli and Seoul National University Professor Yong Il-Kim from the Republic of Korea.
According to J.Eminli, archeological researches are conducted in two excavation areas of Salbir territory and during the researches a large residential building on the upper-cultural layer was found on the south-western edge of the settlement. The residential building and its yard cover a vast area. Many building decorations found inside the building, show that the rooms of the house are made of lime-containing plaster and various shaped ornamental details. It is also possible to state that the inner walls of the house are decorated with various decorative elements, based on the poorly observed colors of lime-containing plaster. Muslim graves were discovered in the building dating back to the XII-XIII centuries.
Archeological researches are continued in the central part of the settlement, where it is supposed to have a small reservoir. During the excavations, various parts of the wells, intended for baking of various purpose wells, household warehouses, cooker hoods and glazed vessels were discovered. In the excavation field, a large number of antique and medieval ceramics, glassware and stone items have been collected. Archaeological researches in the area will continue until early September.
Let's note that joint Azerbaijani-Korean archeological researches were held in Salbir settlement since 2009 at the initiative of SEBA (Seoul-Baku), Azerbaijan-Korea Cultural Exchange Association.
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