Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


10.09.2018 10:14
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In the Goy-Gol area investigated burial mounds of the Late Bronze - Early Iron Age

In the Goy-Gol area investigated burial mounds of the Late Bronze - Early Iron Age

Archaeological expedition of Ganja-Goy-Gol led by the head of the department of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of ANAS, doctor of historical sciences Arif Mammadov held archaeological excavations and field research in the Goy-Gol region.

The main research was carried out in the mounds in the municipality of Gushgar Goy-Gol region, in the territory close to the park of Heydar Aliyev in Ganja, on the right side of the Ganja-Shamkir highway. A certain assistance was provided to the archaeological expedition by the Goy-Gol region Executive Power. As a result of excavations it was determined that the monuments represented as burial mounds were actually graves of Kurgan type and represent the way of life and customs of the tribes of the last period of bronze.

Graves of burial mound types are covered with river stones. In order to prevent the passage of water into the chamber and to strengthen, a large layer of white lime was laid out. Only in two graves of the Kurgan type were found skeletal remains and remains of pottery from the period of the last bronze - early iron.

Archaeological exploration work was also carried out by the expedition in the current season in the adjacent areas. Archaeological research in the Albanian temple in the village of Yeni Goicha in the district led to the conclusion that the temple was built in the IV-V centuries, but in the XIX century, reconstruction was carried out. The filling of ceramics in the ceiling of the temple served to improve the acoustics of the building. The dishes are located in the walls in the downward facing position.

It is planned to continue archeological research work in this region.

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