Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


11.09.2018 09:51
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A new monument the ancient and medieval era discovered In Gakh

A new monument the ancient and medieval era discovered In Gakh

During the research held by Oguz-Gakh archaeological expedition led by the leading scientific employee of ANAS Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, Ph.D. in History Taleh Aliyev in the Gakh area carried out research and discovered a monument of Gipchagtapa near the Ayrichay hills, in the south of the Gipchag village of Gakh district, on the right side of the Yuzumlu-Agyazi highway, near the Ayrichay bridge on August 6 - September 4, 2018.

The settlement of Gipchagtapa covers an area of 4 hectares, and 5 of its parts have been explored this season. The result of the excavations carried out in the field of archaeological exploration was the definition of the cultural layers of the monument and the study of samples of material culture of the upper layers. The upper layers were referred to the middle Ages. An excavation plan has been prepared.

As a result of the initial works, it can be established that, in the ancient period the settlement was closely located to the highway zone of Yuzumlu- Agyazi, but subsequently in the Middle Ages began to extend in the western direction.

The expedition inspected the Sary Pir cemetery in the western Gipchagtapa, were taken photographs. According to the inscriptions on the tombstones, it can be predetermined that it belongs to the 19th century.

A plan and a map were drawn, respectively, of the walls of the fortress of Zarn in the village of the same name and of some monuments of the Albanian period in the Gakh region, dating back to the early middle Ages. GPS coordinates of some of them are also specified.

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