Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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02.10.2018 15:43
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Agreement on intentions between ANAS High-Tech Park and ANAMA signed

Agreement on intentions between ANAS High-Tech Park and ANAMA signed

ANAS Presidium held a ceremony of signing the Agreement of intentions between ANAS High Technology Park (HTP) and the Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA), aimed at fruitful cooperation in the future on October 2.

Opening the event, Vice-President of ANAS, academician Ibrahim Guliyev spoke about the importance of cooperation with ANAMA. Academician noted that, this cooperation will lead to the expansion of production and purchase of unmanned aerial vehicles, drones, various types of body armor, special clothing and costumes that are used in mine clearance, individual modules for various types of ammunition, bags and other innovative products for military and civilian purposes.

Then, director of ANAMA, Gazanfar Ahmadov, reported that the Agency was implementing humanitarian demining activities in accordance with international standards and spoke about the activities of ANAMA and its relations with international organizations.

Stressing that, his organization is working closely with ANAS, director noted that, for the 1st time in the Caspian region, a number of new defensive measures were implemented in our country and tests were conducted. He said that, the main goal of cooperation with ANAS is to solve urgent problems in the field of science, education and the application of innovations, the training of highly specialized personnel, technology transfer, implementation of projects and programs.

In his speech at the event, head of the Center for Strategic Research of ANAS, Doctor of Political Sciences Fatali Abdullayev noted that, the signing of the Agreement of Intention will contribute to the achievement of great success in the future. He added that the essence of the Agreement lies in the planning of activities in the relevant field and the joint implementation of innovative projects.

Fatali Abdullaev recalled that, meetings with ANAMA had been held before. The head of the center also spoke about joint projects that are currently being implemented.

Then, director of “HTP” of ANAS, Ph.D. in Economy Nazim Shukurov spoke. He announced that, the Agreement of Intention would lead to increased cooperation between the parties.

Then, director of ANAS Institute of Management Systems, academician Telman Aliyev, director of the Institute of Botany, academician Valida Alizadeh, head of the department of science and education of the Presidium of ANAS, corresponding member of ANAS Aminaga Sadigov, head of the Planning and Development Department of ANAMA Parviz Gidayev and others spoke.

At the event, corresponding member of ANAS Aminage Sadigov and a group of employees of the Park of Science and Technology LLC were awarded with the prize and certificates for participating in a competition organized by the Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TÜBİTAK).

In conclusion, the Agreement of Intentions was signed between the “HTP” of ANAS and ANAMA. The document reflects such issues as cooperation and mutual support in the application of innovations, defining and strategic planning of relevant research areas, implementation of joint projects that meet the interests of national defense, establishing fruitful relations with relevant research institutes and scientific and technological centers of foreign countries, organization of special trainings, etc.

The agreement was signed by the director of “HTP” of ANAS, Ph.D. in economy Nazim Shukurov and director of ANAMA Gazanfar Ahmadov.

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