Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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08.10.2018 14:00
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The meeting of the ANAS Council of Women held

The meeting of the ANAS Council of Women held

Opening the meeting the chairman of ANAS Women's Council, Professor Rana Mirzazadeh acquainted the participants with the issues on the agenda. She said that work is continuing on the creation of Women's Councils in scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS and the election of bureau members.

R.Mirzazadeh noted that, October 11 is celebrated as the International Day of the Girls of the World by a UN decision, as for ANAS it is a topical issue of attracting girls to science and research. It is noted that, in February 2019 will be held an international conference "Women and Science".

The Chairman noted the importance of preparing an encyclopedia of women’s scientists of ANAS, holding events on the topic of “Morality and Science” in scientific institutions and organizations, as well as the creation of an organization’s website.

Then, there were listened the reports of the senior teacher of Sumgait State University T.Gasimova on the topic "Woman and Science" and the senior researcher of the Institute of Zoology S.Topchubashova "Women, Science and Family".

Speaking at the event the Public Relations Department of the Council of Women of ANAS S.Zulfugarova, chairman of the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry the Women's Council E.Guluzadeh, chairman of the Women's Council of the Institute of Literature, chairman of the Women's Council of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics and others made recommendations on the establishment of kindergartens and medical supervision departments working with chemistry and creating health insurance.

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