Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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22.10.2018 13:52
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Three-dimensional dictionary "Azerbaijani-turkic dictionary" presented

Three-dimensional dictionary "Azerbaijani-turkic dictionary" presented

On October 22, in the Electronic Hall of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS was presented three-dimensional dictionary "Azerbaijani-turkic dictionary" by Seyfaddin Altayli.

Vice-President of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Literature, academician Isa Habibbeyli said that the Azerbaijani-Turkish friendship are an example for the world. He spoke about the common roots of literature in Azerbaijan and Turkey and the development of modern literary relations. He noted that the new publication, which is presented to the public, is a clear example of the eternal and indefinite of the Azerbaijani-Turkish brotherhood.

The scientist said that there is a great need for explanatory dictionaries in modern times and that the presentation of the "Dictionary of Explained terms" by the Institute of Linguistics will be published soon.

Academician I.Habibbeyli noted that within the framework of the event a memorandum of cooperation will be signed between the Turkic Language Institute and the Institute of Literature and Linguistics of ANAS.

Later, Culture and Promotion Advisor to the Turkish Embassy in Azerbaijan, Irphan Chiftchi, said that the "Azerbaijani-turkic dictionary" is among most important 10-15 vocabularies after Mahmoud Kashgari’s “Divani-lugatit-turk”.

Speaking at the event, director of the Institute of Linguistics, academician Mohsun Nagisoylu and others praised the publication of the dictionary as a significant event and expressed their gratitude to the author for such a good book.

Speaking at the event, director of the Institute of Linguistics, academician Mohsun Nagisoylu, professors Ismayil Mammadov, Sayali Sadigova and others expressed their gratitude to the author for such a good book.

At the end, the author of the publication, Seyfaddin Altayli, said that the book was prepared on the basis of a comparison of more than 88 thousand words. He emphasized the necessity of the collection of words and idioms in the language of our people.

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