Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi held scientific session on the 100th anniversary of prominent literary scholar Mirali Seyidov.
The event participants visited the grave of M.Seyidov at the Alley of Honor and laid flowers at the monument.
Literary creativity of M.Seyidov, articles about Turkic-speaking tribes - Gashgay, sags, bunturks and mythology were discussed at the conference hall of the Institute of Literature. It was noted that Mirali Seyidov's scientific-theoretical activity plays an important role in Azerbaijan literary studies. He laid the foundations of the school of mythology in Azerbaijan and took an active part in the research of the researchers engaged in science.
Deputy Director of the Institute of Literature, Doctor of Philology Alizade Askgerli spoke about the rich scientific heritage of the prominent folklore scientist, his research on mythology.
The head of the department of oral folk literature of Azerbaijan, doctor of philological sciences, professor Maharram Gasimli made a report on the theme "Mirali Seyidov, the unforgettable master of folklore and mythology". In his report he called the scientist a master of most folklore artists.
Director of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, Academician Mukhtar Imanov, Professor Gazanfar Pashayev and other speakers spoke about M.Seyidov's scientific activity and highly appreciated the services of the scientist in the formation of national-social thinking, propagation of Azerbaijanism.
Finally, the son of the scientist Elchin Seyidov expressed his gratitude to the organizers and participants of the event on behalf of his family for the high respect shown to his father's memory.
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