Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Central Scientific Library and Press Council signed Memorandum of Cooperation
14.11.2018 12:00
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Central Scientific Library and Press Council signed Memorandum of Cooperation

Azerbaijan Press Council and the Central Scientific Library signed Memorandum of Cooperation. The document was signed by chairman of the Press Council, MP Aflatun Amashov and Director of the Central Scientific Library Leyla Imanova on November 14.

Speaking at the event, Director of the Central Scientific Library Leyla Imanova, speaking about joint activities with the joint venture and the objectives of the Memorandum, noted that the signing of the document would give impetus to the development of fruitful bilateral cooperation.

Director of the Central Scientific Library also told about the Foundation of the Periodic Literature, newspapers and magazines stored here, about the results and strategic goals during the period of the library's activity for 2015-2018. Speaking about the significance of the innovation project of the Central Scientific Library - the creation of the National Digital Memory Base, L.Imanova noted that, with its help the mass media will be able to receive reliable scientific information support.

Director noted an even greater enrichment of the National Digital Memory Base in the framework of the project “Meeting, examination and safe storage of materials of national importance for the National Digital Memory”, held since December 2017 on the basis of a grant from the Scientific Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Also, noting the process of placing the Central Scientific Library of copies of leading press bodies in electronic format in the database of the Scientific and Technological Center, cooperation with the Faculty of Journalism of the BSU and other organizations, L.Imanova said about the continuation of the library in this direction. In her speech, the director talked about the fruitful activities of the CSL Wikipedia Methodological Center and its contribution to the development of national content.

Chairman of the Press Council, MP Aflatun Amashov spoke about the events, projects and the current state of the media being held by the organization he heads. Speaking about joint activities with the Central Scientific Library, A.Amashov emphasized the contribution of the Memorandum to the expansion of bilateral relations. MP, noting the content of the provisions in the document on the availability, collection, protection and dissemination of information by the parties on cultural and scientific heritage, the need for information exchange in the development of relations between organizations, said that the Memorandum will create in the future a basis for joint activities.

At the event, the following speakers spoke: Umud Rahimoglu and Mushvig Alaskarli, deputy chairmen of the Press Council, members of the Press Council Board, chief editor of the “Yeni Azerbaijan” newspaper, MP of the Milli Mejlis Hikmet Babaoglu, editor-in-chief of the “Iki Sahil” newspaper Vugar Rahimzadeh, member of Press Council Azar Hasrat, editor in chief of the Information Agency "Azadinform" Niyaz Niftiyev and chief editor of the newspaper "Cumhuriyet" Bedjanov Raphael, head of Department of International Relations and Public Relations of CSL Mubariz Goyushlyu, head of the Department of Library-Service Aygun Safarova. In the speeches, the participants of the event gave a high appreciation to the Memorandum, put forward a number of proposals to expand media and CSL relations.

In conclusion, from the Central Scientific Library, the members of the Press Council Board were donated valuable books on the culture and history of Azerbaijan.

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