Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Commemoration event dedicated to arrest day of Huseyn Javid
04.06.2014 00:00
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Commemoration event dedicated to arrest day of Huseyn Javid

June 4, ANAS Huseyn Javid’s Memorial Flat held commemoration event dedicated to arrest day of Huseyn Javid. Opening the event director of the museum Dr. Philology Gulbeniz Babakhanli stated that, on this day of 1937, Soviet penal authorities had raided Huseyn Javid’s apartment arrested him, also searched the house and ruined most of Javid's works. Tragedies beginning of that day have left deep traces in the memory of not only of this The Javids but also of a whole nation.

Note that on the occasion of commemoration day, Huseyn Javid Memorial Flat has announced 2 days of “Open Door”.

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