Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


04.06.2014 00:00
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Workshop dedicated to earthquake and its hazards was held

Workshop dedicated to earthquake and its hazards was held

The 2nd Special Branch of ANAS Central Administration of the Presidiumhosted the next workshop of Civil Defense headquarters and chiefs of sanitary groups of the scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS.

Opening the event head of department Eldar Guliyev informed about natural disasters, including enforcement methods of earthquakes threat.

Then ANAS Republican Seismological Survey Center (NSC) chief of macro seismic studies department, doctor of geological-mineralogical sciences Etibar Garavaliyevdelivered a lecture on “The earthquake and its hazards”. The speaker gave detailed information about seismic observations, Earth processes occurring within the territory of Azerbaijan, local and foreign earthquakes recorded by, volcanoes, their causes, research in this area, as well as the expansion of the monitoring network of the RCSS, GPS stations set up throughout the country.

Inspections performed by the employees of the Department of Civil Defense on May 2014 in accordance with the Action plan was discussed in the event.

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