Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


01.02.2019 09:23
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The first meeting of Scientific-Technical Council of Strategic Science Research Center of ANAS

The first meeting of Scientific-Technical Council of Strategic Science Research Center of ANAS

On January 31, the first meeting of the Scientific-Technical Council of the Strategic Science Research Center (SSRC) of ANAS was held. Academician Ibrahim Guliyev, vice-president of ANAS, chairman of the board, spoke about the main tasks and organization of the new board. He emphasized the importance of coordinated activities of the relevant institutes of the Academy in order to conduct certain research work.

Head of SSRC, Deputy Chairman of the Board, Doctor of Political Sciences Fatali Abdullayev spoke about the cooperation of the Center overing the past period. He said that significant results were achieved in three laboratories operating in the center and orders were received from state-owned enterprises. The head of the center said that the masters of ANAS were involved in the application of scientific results.

Head of the Head Office of Science and Education of the Presidium of ANAS, Deputy Chairman of the Board, correspondent member of ANAS Aminaga Sadigov said that the SSRC specialists directly involved in the preparation of, surface management systems, engineering systems and military equipment. A.Sadigov emphasized the necessity of involving specialists in the center for flexible management.

Chief of the Department of Military Training and Military Education of the Defense Ministry, member of the council, professor, Colonel Aziz Talibov said that scientific and technical cooperation between the Defense Ministry and ANAS is successfully continued and stressed the need for scientific potential in army building. He also said the military was closely involved in the development of the equipment to be used in the defense industry.

The meeting was attended by members of the Council, Director of the Institute of Biophysics, Corresponding Member of ANAS Oktay Gasimov, head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Control Systems, corresponding member of ANAS Agasi Malikov, leading scientific researcher of the institute, PhD in mathematics Elkhan Sabziyev, Laboratory Head of Catalysis and non-organic, Doctor of Chemistry Nizami Zeynalov and others delivered speeches at the event.

The participants exchanged views on the proposals put forward at the meeting and made recommendations.

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