Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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20.02.2019 14:47
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ANAS celebrated the International Mother Language Day

ANAS celebrated the International Mother Language Day

ANAS Institute Linguistics after Nasimi held action devoted to 21 February - International Mother Language Day on February 20 at theInstitute of Literature.

Opening the event, Director of the Institute of Linguistics, academician Mohsun Nagisoylu spoke about the history of celebrating February 21 as the International Mother Language Day.

 It was brought to attention that the International Mother Language Day was proclaimed in 1999 by the General Conference of UNESCO, since February 2000, is held annually to promote cultural diversity, including multilingualism. International Mother Language Day reiterates that everyone has the right to preserve and develop their native language.

He said that, the national leader Heydar Aliyev's decree dated June 18, 2001 "On the improvement of the state language" has created the ground for the free development and widespread use of the Azerbaijani language.

Speaking about the historical and spiritual significance of the day, M.Nagisoylu noted that, the relevant Order of President Ilham Aliyev "On the State Program on the use of Azerbaijani language in accordance with the requirements of time in the context of globalization and the development of linguistics in the country", "On a number of measures to ensure the broader use of Azerbaijani language in electronic space" and "Further improvement of the use of state language in the protection of the Azerbaijani language-related measures ".

Academician Nizami Jafarov and Professor Buludkhan Khalilov noted that Azerbaijani language is one of the most developed and rich languages in the world and noted the importance of protecting our language against foreign elements, as well as seriously approaching the teaching of language, as well as preparing animated films for children in the Internet space.

Elshad Abishov, Associate Professor Fuzuli Mustafayevan and Rakhshana Babazade made reports at the conference.

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