Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


15.03.2019 15:05
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A Round table on the history of Azerbaijani linguistics held

A Round table on the history of Azerbaijani linguistics held

Institute of Linguistics after Nasimi held a “Round table” on “History of Azerbaijani linguistics” devoted to the “Day of Science”.

Director of the institute, academician Mohsun Naghisoylu informed on measures in the field of science development in our country in recent years, increasing the importance of science in society and stimulating scientific activity.

He stressed that, the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on the establishment of the “Day of Science” in the Republic of Azerbaijan dated April 9, 2018 is an example of the attention paid to the development of science in our country.

Further, Ismail Mammadli delivered the report on “Academician Mammadaga Shiraliyev’s life and activity”, Ph.D. in Philology, associate professors Sevinj Mammadova on “Our linguistics: yesterday, today and tomorrow”, Shabnam Hasanli Garibova on “Scientific style in the middle Century and Junior Researcher of the Turkish Language Department Dilbar Jamal on "History of Turkic linguistics in Azerbaijan".

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