Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  Institutes and organizations  >>  Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Address AZ1073, Baku, Huseyn Javid Avenue, 117
Phone (+994 12) 5103425
Fax (+994 12) 5102092;

(+994 12) 5371052

Director  Academician Isa Akber oglu Habibbayli

Office phone:  (+994 12) 5103425

Fax: (+994 12) 5102092


Deputy director

Mehman Agasalim oglu Hasanli

PhD in philology 

Office phone: (+994 12) 5370859

Scientific secretary

Aygun Agabagir qizi Bagirova

Doctor of philosophy in philology, associate professor

Office phone: (+994 12) 5371273

Mob.: (+994 55) 6392204


Establishment history The Institute was founded in 1932. In the 30-th it was included to the Azerbaijan branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. After foundation of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR in 1945, the Institute of Literature formed a part of it. At the end of the 40-s it was united with the Institute of Linguistics. Since 1969 the institute is functioning under name of Nizami Institute of Literature.
Basic activity directions 

- The sources, formation and development objective laws of Azerbaijan literature-

-The development objective laws of the world literature

Main scientific achievements  Publication of multivolume “The history of Azerbaijan literature”

Publication of scientific journals “Adabiyyat Majmuasi” (“Literature magazine”), “Adabi alagalar” (“Literary relations”)

Preparation of different monograps and scientific publications.

Total number of employees 252
Structural subdivisions Department of Azerbaijan Folklore and Written monuments
Common Beginning and Renaissance age Azerbaijani literature
Department of Nizami studies
Department of Medieval Azerbaijani Literature
Department of New period Azerbaijani Literature
XX century (Soviet period) Azerbaijani literature
Department of Azerbaijan Migrant Literature
Department of Period of independence of Azerbaijan Literature
Department of Literature of the South Azerbaijan
Department of Literature Theory
Department of Literary Criticism
Department of Literature of Turkic Nations
Department of Scientific information and Translation
Department of Collecting and Systematizing of Scientific Heritage
Department of Azerbaijan-Asian literary relations
Department of Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan Literary Relations
Department of World Literature and Comparativistics
Sector of Fuzuli Studies
Department of the History of the Press and Publicity
Department of Public Relations
Department of Education
Department of International Relations
Department of Early New Period Azerbaijani Literaturea
Scientific Council:

-       chairman

-       secretary

-       members


Isa Habibbayli

Mehman Hasanli

Alizadeh Asgarli

Aygun Baghirova

Nushabe Arasli

Tehran Mustafayev

Gazanfar Pashayev

Mammad Aliyev

Imamverdi Hamidov

Badirkhan Ahmadov

Maharram Gasimli

Teymur Ahmadov

Tahira Mammad

Farida Azizova

Gular Abdullabayova

Nikpur Jabbarli

Almaz Ulvi Binnatova

Vagif Yusifov

Islam Garibli

Vugar Ahmad

Ataemi Mirzayev

Esmira Shukurova

Eshgana Babayeva

Council of  Young Scientists and Specialists:

-       chairman

-       secretary

-       members


Eshgane Babayeva

Maral Yagubova

Gulnar Qasimli

Maya Hasanli

Dissertation Council

-       chairman

-       deputy chair

-       scientific secretary

-       members

Isa Habibbeyli

Mammad Aliyev

Ismikhan Osmanli

Tehran Mustafayev

Alizade Asgerli

Imamverdi Hamidov

Gular Abdullayeva

Vugar Ahmad

Jale Aliyeva

Rafig Aliyev

Rahim Aliyev 

Bedirkhan Ahmadov

Maharram Gasimli

Yashar Gasimov

Farida Azizova

Asger Rasulov

Vagif Yusifov

Gazanfar Pashayev

Gafar Huseynov

Trade Union:

-       chairman

-       deputy chairman

-       secretary

-       bureau members


Musayev Shahbaz Shami oghlu


Peri Hasanli

Hijran Nasibova

Leyli Aliyeva

Basira Azizaliyeva

Gurbet Mirzazadeh

Zakulla Bayramli

Fikrat Ahmadov

Doctors of sciences 