Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Seismological surveys conducted in Azerbaijan have been welcomed by the World Bank
01.04.2019 10:55
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Seismological surveys conducted in Azerbaijan have been welcomed by the World Bank

Mariya Markhvida, Advisor to the World Bank's Risk Management Unit for Europe and Central Asia Region, and Haji Huseynov, Senior Operations Specialist at Strategy and Operations, met with Director of the Republican Seismic Survey Center, corresponding member of ANAS Gurban Yetirmişli. The guests were informed about the center's activity.

Seismological surveys and results obtained in Azerbaijan are welcomed by the World Bank, G.Yetirmişli said.

The meeting also discussed seismic risk in the Caucasus region and prospects for further cooperation between the World Bank and the RSSC.

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