Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


04.04.2019 14:41
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Conference on "Islamic civilization and science: history and modernity"

Conference on "Islamic civilization and science: history and modernity"

The conference on "Islamic civilization and science: history and modernity" was held on April 4 in the Main building of the ANAS with the support of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists (CYSS) and the Azerbaijani Institute of Theology (AIT).

The event was opened by the rector of the AIT, PhD in theology Jeyhun Mammadov and informed about the establishment of the enterprise. According to the order of the head of the state dated February 9, 2018, the institute established under the subordination of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations serves to preserve the high moral environment in our country and to train highly qualified personnel in the organization of religious activities.

He also informed about the work done in the field of theology in the modern era, the targets set and emphasized the need to strengthen science and education in order to achieve greater results in enhancing the intellectual level of young cadres

Academician Teymur Karimli, academician-secretary of the Department of Humanitarian Sciences of ANAS, director of the Institute of Manuscripts named after Mohammad Fuzuli talked about the role of Islam in science.

Then, Deputy Chairman for Public Relations and Family of the Caucasus Muslims Office, PhD in Philology Gamar Javadli and Chairman of the CYSS, PhD in Physics, Associate Professor Famin Salmanov delivered speeches on the importance of mutual relations between Islam and science.

Later some reports were listened.The conference continued with discussions on reports.

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