Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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19.04.2019 11:51
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Academician Hamid Arasli comemorized at the Institute of Oriental Studies

Academician Hamid Arasli comemorized at the Institute of Oriental Studies

On April 19, the Institute of Oriental Studies named after academician Z.M. Bunyadov held an academic conference titled "Tireless researcher of Azerbaijan and Eastern Literature", dedicated to the 110th anniversary of a prominent scientist, Honored Scientist, academician Hamid Arasli.

Opening the conference, academician Isa Habibbeyli, vice-president of ANAS, noted that Hamid Arasli has made valuable contributions to the development of literary studies in the country with numerous studies. He noted that the literary scholar was exceptional in studying the history of Azerbaijani literature in the scientific direction. During his half-century research and literary activity, he conducted research on oral folk literature in Azerbaijan and was recognized as the first researcher of “Kitabi Dada Gorgud”, the immortal monument of our people.

I.Habibbeyli noted that the Action Plan was approved to ensure implementation of the Presidential Decree dated 11 February 2019 "On the celebration of the 110th anniversary of academician Hamid Arazli".

Academician I.Habibbayli said that scientific-organizational work of the scientist is closely connected with ANAS, his work covers many institutions of the ANAS: "Hamid Arasly worked hard at the creation of Literature Museum named after Nizami and worked as director of the museum in 1960-68. He has worked as a director of the Institute of Oriental Studies in 1970-1981 and has worked in the Institute of Manuscripts and Literature of ANAS.

Academician-Secretary of the Department of Social Sciences of ANAS, Academician Nargiz Akhundova spoke about the scientific activity of prominent scientist, unprecedented services in the formation and development of Azerbaijan literature

Later, academician Govhar Bakhshaliyeva, director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, made a presentation on "The tireless researcher of Azerbaijan and Eastern Literature, science organizer".

Speaking about the exceptional services of H.Arasli  she noted that the scientist in his "The Distinctive Azerbaijani Literature", published in 1943-44, created the literary-cultural landscape of the 17th century from the earliest times of our literature.

Govhar Bakhshaliyeva gave broad information about Hamid Arasli’s life and creative activity.

Head of the Department of Arabic Philology of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Professor Vilayat Jafarov spoke about the role of academician Hamid Arasli in his report on " Hamid Arasli Stage in the Development of Azerbaijani-Iraqi Scientific and Literary Relations" in the Arab world, including his research on Iraq, and his role in establishing scientific and literary relations.

The head of the department of Turkish philology of the Institute of Oriental Studies, docent, Seriyye Gundogdu made a report on "The role of academic Hamid Arasli in the development of oriental studies of Azerbaijan".

Academician Vasim Mammadaliyev, Doctor of Historical Sciences Solmaz Rutemova-Tohidi and other speakers spoke about the scientific activity of H.Arasli.

The daughter of the scientist, correspondent member of ANAS Nushaba Arasli expressed gratitude to the leader of the country for the respect and reverence shown to his father, as well as organizers and participants of the event.

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