Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


23.04.2019 09:31
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People's Artist Tofig Ismailov's 80th anniversary night held

People's Artist Tofig Ismailov's 80th anniversary night held

Organized by the AR Ministry of Culture, International Mugam Center held an anniversary evening of a famous film director, writer and teacher Tofig Ismailov's 80th anniversary.

Director of the National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature, academician Rafael Huseynov shared his memories on Tofik Ismailov.

During his work at the University of Memar Sinan Istanbul, he implemented important projects and events, promoting the culture of the two countries. The speaker told on the meaningful life path of the People's Artist, his contribution to the development of Azerbaijani culture and cinema and on the artistic-musical film "Sings Muslim Magomayev" which was shot in 1971 by Tofig Ismailov.

Chairman of the Writers' Union of Azerbaijan, People’s Writer Anar, Professor Akshin Babayev, Counselor for Culture and Propaganda of the Turkish Embassy in our country Irfan Chiftchi, Rector of the Baku Academy of Choreography, Professor Timuchin Efendiyev, Film Director, Honored Artist of Arts Jamil Guliyev and others spoke at the event.

Then, a documentary on Tofig Ismailov's life and activity was shown at the evening.

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