Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


26.04.2019 09:44
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Medieval settlement discovered in Goranboy

Medieval settlement discovered in Goranboy

Naftalan-Goranboy archeological expedition under the leadership of the leading researcher of the department of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of ANAS, PhD in History, Associate Professor Muzaffar Huseinov held archaeological research in Naftalan and the Goranboy region.

During the excavations were found mounds and settlement. The medieval settlement is located in the village of Safikurd, Goranboy district, on the territory advantageous in terms of geographical location.

The monument name is Garasu village, by its location on the Left Bank of the Garasu valley. The founded pottery differs in a form, types and flowers of a decor and technologies of preparation. Most ceramics have one or more color shades.

According to Muzaffar Huseynov, as a result of preliminary studies, it is supposed that, the settlement dates back to the X-XIII centuries. He said that, more accurate information about the epoch of the monument will be obtained during archeological excavations in the future.

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