Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


20.05.2019 10:11
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A number of scholars were rewarded for their fruitful activity in the field of museum work

A number of scholars were rewarded for their fruitful activity in the field of museum work

Director of the National Museum of Azerbaijan History of ANAS, academician Naila Valikhanli and director of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, Doctor of History, Professor Maisa Rahimova was awarded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan for fruitful activity in the field of museum work.

The awards were presented by the Minister of Culture Abulfas Garayev at the opening ceremony of the new building of the Azerbaijan National Art Museum. A.Garayev said that academician Naila Valikhanli and Professor Maisa Rahimova have done considerable work in the collection of material and cultural samples of Azerbaijan.

N. Valikhanli and M.Rahimova, in their turn, spoke about the attention and care shown to the culture and art by the state and expressed gratitude for the award.

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