Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


24.05.2019 12:50
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Academician Akif Alizade delivered a paper at the international conference in Beijing

Academician Akif Alizade delivered a paper at the international conference in Beijing

President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh attended the international conference on "Dialogue of Asian Civilizations", held in Beijing. More than 1,000 participants from different countries attended the conference, organized by President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping.

Academician A.Alizadeh participated in the opening and closing ceremonies of the conference, chaired by Mr. Xi Jinping, as well as in a number of discussions attended by high-ranking guests and ministers of the country.

In addition, the scientist delivered a paper on “Dialogue of Asian Civilizations in Asia and the historical experience of Azerbaijan” at the forum “Mutual exchange of Asian civilizations and a joint future society for humanity”. The paper focused on the history of the cradle of rich civilizations - Asia, its role and place in the creation of cultural values throughout the world, as well as trends in Asian development in the modern era.

It was noted that, a gradual increase in the share of Asia in the global economy has become the main trend in the modern era. Also today, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Pakistan and other countries are countries that have a serious impact on the global economy.

The paper emphasized that, modernization is a multilateral, complex event and is not limited to economic relations. According to researchers, Asian countries have always differed from the Western model in their economic, political and socio-cultural development.

The paper touched upon the history of Azerbaijan - one of the main Asian countries. Azerbaijan, which occupies an important place on the world map in terms of human potential, although it is part of small countries, fulfills an important mission. A country, has a main role in Europe and Asia, as well as between Eurasia and the Middle East, always maintains its geographic location of particular importance.

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