Presidium, which was held on May 31, Academician-Secretary of the ANAS Division of Humanitarian Sciences, academician Teymur Karimli delivered a scientific report on “The universal significance Nasimi’s humanism” academician said that, the artistic and philosophical work, which bears a humanistic message, which is under the influence of ancient social and philosophical thought, rose to the highest level in the Muslim world, reached its peak in Azerbaijan in the 12th century by Nizami’s works.
He stressed that, one of the greatest creators, who created his works, imbued with deep humanism, in all three dominant languages of the Muslim East - Arabic, Persian and Turkic, is a brilliant Azerbaijani poet and philosopher Nasimi, who lived in the late XIV - early XV century .
The speaker noted that, humanism Nasimi is the humanism of the great poet, who had great talent and was in love with the harmony of nature and human beauty: the whole world. Of course, in his judgments, Ibn Khaldun also relied on ancient philosophy and the works of such great representatives of medieval Eastern philosophy as Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, Biruni, as well as on rich oriental poetry. However, in this general context, it is impossible not to notice that he expressed a number of original thoughts precisely under the influence of Nasimi’s activity”.
Academician Teymur Karimli emphasized that, a lot has been written about the Sufi-Hurufi character of humanism of Nasimi and his love in this context, these questions have been studied for a long time, research continues to this day: “If we consider and evaluate one or another medieval classic which we are study, reveal and evaluate his ideological and artistic convictions in that period from the point of view of his judgments or the opinions of the people around him, this will cause a certain historical interest. However, we must not forget that the secret of the immortality of the classics lies not in the way they thought at the time and that they wanted to convey to the public in the local period of time, but due to the moral values that they addressed to our time. Based on this, it is necessary to re-examine the humanism of Nasimi in the light of modern scientific and theoretical thinking. Before uncovering intricate Sufi-Hurufi symbols, numeric and alphabetic puzzles created by him for his period through the Aesopian language, it is more important to reveal that the poet’s creativity in terms of our moral, cultural and aesthetic problems can give the modern generation and society as a whole” .
Teymur Karimli noted that one of the important features of humanism of Nasimi for the modern world is that this humanism is not abstract, but reflects the specific relationship between people, real human beauty. He stressed that another important problem that occupied the great humanist Nasimi was such a scourge of society as ignorance, lack of education of people, and added that many of the poet’s works are aimed precisely at awakening their contemporaries from the dream of ignorance, explaining to them that it is the honor and dignity of man.
Then academician Mukhtar Imanov, professors Gazanfar Pashayev, Imamverdi Hamidov, Zyumryd Guluzade, Elchin Mamedov, doctor of philology, associate professor Pasha Karimov, doctor of philosophy in philology Sarkhan Khaveri, and others who expressed their opinions and put forward a number of suggestions were made.
After discussions, the Presidium adopted a resolution according to which the report was approved. ANAS Division of Humanitarian Sciences entrusted to ensure the implementation of the “Action Plan” approved by the relevant decree of ANAS Presidium in connection with the orders of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev "On holding the 650th anniversary of the great Azerbaijani poet Imadaddin Nasimi" and "Announcing the 2019 the Year of Nasimi".
The resolution also reflected such issues as the translation of Nasimi’s works carrying social and humanistic messages into European languages in order to promote the poet’s humanism on a global scale, the publication of a popular science monograph on humanism Nasimi, preparation of proposals for the composition of the editorial board for preparing and publishing books from the “Famous People’s Life” series about great personalities who played a significant role in the development of the humanities and social sciences in Azerbaijan, and their submission to the Presidium of ANAS, chenie Nasimi creative work, especially his humanistic ideas, based on modern theoretical and methodological approaches, based on a multidisciplinary aspect, combining the literary and philological, philosophical and aesthetic features, the implementation of appropriate measures aimed at a comprehensive study of the philosophical world and the humanistic philosophy of the poet.
In addition, the resolution on issues such as the study of Nasimi’s creativity at the modern scientific level from the point of view of the development of the Azerbaijani literary language, the study of manuscripts related to his heritage, based on the textological aspect, the implementation of measures to prepare new academic and explanatory publications of the poet’s works , an even greater expansion of the works in the study of the works by Nasimi in Arabic and Persian languages, conducting quizzes and poetry evenings devoted to creativity Nasimi and other great classics, etc were highlighted.
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