Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


19.06.2019 16:26
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International scientific conference on "Challenges of modern times in the context of Azerbaijan and Bulgaria philosophy"

International scientific conference on "Challenges of modern times in the context of Azerbaijan and Bulgaria philosophy"

An international scientific conference titled "Challenges of modern times in the context of Azerbaijan and Bulgaria philosophy" was held at the Institute of Philosophy of ANAS on June 19.

Academician Isa Habibbayli, vice-president of ANAS, spoke about the importance of meeting with scholars and specialists from Bulgaria. He said that Azerbaijan-Bulgaria relations have been developing for many years and that the two Presidents have repeatedly participated in joint events. President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has always paid great attention to the establishment of relations between Azerbaijan and Bulgaria in economic, social, political and scientific fields, and signed numerous documents on bilateral cooperation.

He also noted that cooperation between ANAS Institute of Literature and BAS existed, scientists and specialists of two scientific institutions are involved in joint projects.

Academician Isa Habibbayli said that anthropological research centers should be created in each independent country, and stressed the importance of conducting joint research with the Bulgarian Institute of Anthropology. He noted that it is expedient to study the experience of the Anthropological Museum in Bulgaria.

Director of the Institute of Philosophy, Professor Ilham Mammadzadeh, chief department, professor Zumrud Guluzade, Albena Nakova and others made reports at the meeting.

It was noted in the reports that the event will create opportunities for further strengthening of scientific and cultural relations between Azerbaijan and Bulgaria, joint research in the field of science and achievement of important scientific achievements, as well as the exchange of personnel and experience exchange. There was an exchange of views on the speeches, and proposals were made on the continuation of the Azerbaijani-Bulgarian scientific relations in the future.

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