Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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20.06.2019 14:53
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ANAS held an international scientific conference dedicated to Nadir Shah Afshar

ANAS held an international scientific conference dedicated to Nadir Shah Afshar

ANAS held an international scientific conference on “Nadir Shah Afshar: a brilliant commander who changed the course of history on June 20. The event was organized by ANAS Institute of History and the Azerbaijan branch of the World Avshar Group of the Turkish Republic.

Director of ANAS Institute of History, academician Yagub Mahmudov noted that, Nadir Shah was the only commander in history who was able to defeat three empires - Tsarist Russia, Ottoman and Great Mogul empires. Nadir Shah was a great ruler who created the Afshar Empire, expelling the Afghan invaders from the country and expanding the territory of the collapsed Safavid Empire, the academician stressed.

In turn, Vice-president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbayli said that, the study of the centuries-old history, the outstanding personalities of our people on the basis of documents and the position of Azerbaijanis is of great importance for new generations.

According to the scientist, in the 70-80s of the last century, a lot of work was done in Azerbaijan towards deepening the process of returning to the national and spiritual values and position of Azerbaijanism thanks to national leader Heydar Aliyev. Historical novels dedicated to prominent personalities of Azerbaijan were published as early as the 1960s and 1980s, the scientist added. The book by academician Ziya Bunyatov about the Atabey state was awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Academician Isa Habibbayli stressed the acceleration of the process of returning to historical sources, great personalities, national and moral values and historical memory after the state gained its independence.

Currently, a purposeful policy pursued by AR President Ilham Aliyev has led to a new stage in the national historical policy and the movement of Azerbaijanism.

The speaker said that, today the history, culture and values of Azerbaijan are studied, researched and promoted on a scientific basis. The academician added that, the national and spiritual values of Azerbaijan are included in the list of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO.

He noted that, the work carried out by the state in this direction is continuing and deepening even more in the Division of Humanitarian Sciences and Social Sciences of ANAS.

Vice-president of ANAS, speaking about the social and political activities of the head of the Presidential Administration of the Azerbaijan Republic, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev, noted that, the scientist is the author of a number of outstanding scientific works that form the ideological basis of the Azerbaijani state.

Academician also added that, the Azerbaijani people is one of the peoples of the world who created the most ancient culture of statehood. According to the scientist, “Nadir Shah Afshar is one of the genius personalities presented by our people to history”.

I.Habibbayli stressed the importance of such events at the end of his speech and wished success in the work of the conference.

Academician-secretary of Division of Social Sciences of ANAS, academician Nargiz Akhundova, head of the World Avshars Circle of the Republic of Turkey Sheref Kodhakai, department head of the Institute of History, Professor Tofik Mustafazade, Doctor of History Mehman Suleymanov, Professor Adalat Tahirzade, General Director of the “Olaylar” Information Agency, writer Yunus Oguz, Head of the Azerbaijani Department of the World Avshar Circle Shohlat Afshar.

The conference held the presentation of the book “Nadir Shah Afshar: a brilliant commander who changed the course of history”. The authors of the book are Academician Yagub Makhmudov and Professor Tofik Mustafazade. The book was published by decision of the Academic Council of ANAS Institute of History. The scientific editor of the publication is the historian-scientist Mehman Suleymanov.

The international conference continued its work in sections. Along with Azerbaijani historians, scientists from Turkey, Russia, Ukraine and other countries delivered their reports at the scientific conference.

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