Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


25.06.2019 13:15
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Seminar on "The role of plant genetic resources in global food security"

Seminar on "The role of plant genetic resources in global food security"

Seminar on "The role of plant genetic resources in global food safety", organized by the Italian Embassy in Azerbaijan, ANAS and Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan (MA).

Opening the event, Vice President of ANAS, acad. Irada Huseynova spoke about the importance of the seminar, extensive contacts between the Italian and Azerbaijani republics, and particularly the expansion of scientific cooperation in recent years. Emphasizing the importance of the topic of the academic seminar for both republics, she has drawn attention to the importance of studying the genetic resources of the plant in the future and creating more productive and qualitative varieties.

The scientist said that, one of the most serious problems of poverty reduction and food security problems is always in the focus of attention. "Food security is an integral part of the economic security of each country," Huseynova said, adding that world scientists should think seriously about people's healthy nutrition and seek new mechanisms in the face of global challenges.

I.Huseynova underlined the importance of the conference, devoted to the problem of the current issue, with the assistance of Italian scientists and the importance of staff training, and thanked the Italian embassy staff for their support in organization of the event.

A representative of the Embassy of Italy in Azerbaijan Elena Leonard thanked the leadership of ANAS and MA for their support for the Italian Day of Science. The seminar was aimed at familiarizing scientists from both countries with genetics, genomics, bioinformatics and breeding knowledge in order to better understand each other and to establish new cooperation directions.

Chairman of the Agrarian Credit and Development Agency Mirza Aliyev also spoke at the event. The speaker highly appreciated the participation of the relevant research institutes of the MA in the event and informed about the reforms carried out in the ministry.

M.Aliyev noted that, according to the instructions of the Head of State, complex measures are being undertaken to create electronic agriculture, which will allow managing all directions of agriculture from a single center.

Professor Luigi Cattivelli, from Italian Research Center, Zeynal Akperov, Director of the Institute for Genetic Resources, Dr. Marcello Cutuli and PhD in Agricultural Sciences Mirza Musayev made reports at the event.

More than 150 scientists and specialists from relevant scientific research institutes of ANAS and the Ministry of Agriculture attended the meeting.

At the end of the event, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Institute of Genetic Resources of the Institute of Genetics and Bioinformatics of the Council for Agrarian Research and Agrarian Economics of Italy.

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