Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


28.06.2019 10:28
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Azerbaijani scientists participated in the international congress in Russia

Azerbaijani scientists participated in the international congress in Russia

The XXX international scientific congress on the science and history of Asia and Africa dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Eastern College of the St. Petersburg Library was held in St. Petersburg, Russia.

The Congress was organized by the Faculty of Oriental Studies of St. Petersburg State University.

Representatives of the Presidium of ANAS, as well as representatives of the Archeology and Ethnography, Linguistics and Oriental Studies Institutes,  attended the event, which was also attended by academics from USA, Turkey, Japan, Georgia, Italy, England, China and other countries.

Professor Nikolay Dyakov, Head of the Middle East History Department of the St. Petersburg State University, Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the St. Petersburg University, Academician Mikhail Piatrovsky and others spoke at the opening ceremony about the importance of the oriental studies, actual problems and modern conditions.

Director of the Institute of Linguistics, Academician Mohsun Nagisoylu, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor Qatiba Guliyeva and others made reports at the event.

The participants of the Congress also got acquainted with historical-architectural and art monuments of St. Petersburg.

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