Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


27.08.2019 19:07
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Presented a project of strategic importance for Azerbaijan

Presented a project of strategic importance for Azerbaijan

On August 27, the Presidium of the Presidium of ANAS presented the next project of the Center for Strategic Scientific Researches (CSSR), which has been developed in the context of military, defense and civilian research, which is of great strategic importance for our country.

Opening the event, the President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh said that the CSSR is developing research projects that are of strategic importance for our country in war, developing new and existing projects, as well as conducting pilot studies with relevant bodies.

The President of ANAS emphasized the importance of the policy pursued by the country's leadership to increase the military power of Azerbaijan, as well as the expansion and development of military and defense research projects.

According to the relevant order of the President of the academic country, Ilham Aliyev, High Technologies Park of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Azerbaijan, has achieved a number of important scientific and practical achievements and implemented innovative measures. The scientist said that the main goal is to invest in new projects in fundamental scientific areas and to produce competitive products at the expense of extra-budgetary funds.

Head of the CSSR, Doctor of Political Sciences Fatali Abdullayev, speaking about existing and prospective scientific researches, said that currently CSSR and resident of ANAS High Technology Park “Science and Technology Park” LLC are implementing joint projects with relevant government agencies. He also noted that the Military Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan has special services in support of the projects.

In his speech, F.Abdullayev said that the main goals and activities of the Center are the involvement of experts of relevant scientific institutions and organizations of the National Academy of Sciences, in particular, the Department of Physical and Mathematical and Technical Sciences.

According to the head of the Center, several projects are expected to be submitted by the end of the year.

Later, the authorized representative of the Military Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Colonel Arif Hasanov and Deputy Head of the Center, Doctor of Physics, Samir Suleymanov gave detailed information on the technical parameters and possible use of military products.

Colonel Arif Hasanov signed an agreement on military cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkey from May 1 to May 2019 during the joint Turkish-Turkish tactical exercises "Mustafa Kemal Ataturk-2019", as well as large-scale operational and tactical exercises of the Azerbaijani Army. According to the Ministry of Defense, it is advisable to introduce and use the latest draft examples of CSSR projects in the Azerbaijani army..

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