Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


29.08.2019 10:34
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Archaeological researches are being conducted on the territory of the Chakalliktapa monument, Shabran district

Archaeological researches are being conducted on the territory of the Chakalliktapa monument, Shabran district

Shabran archaeological expedition led by head of the Department of ANAS Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, Ph.D in History Safar Ashurov carries out archaeological prospecting on the territory of the Chakalliktapa monument related to IV millennium BC - the beginning of the 3rd BC.

During the study, new finds of the monument I Chakalliktapa were discovered. One of them is a light construction circular houses. Inside the houses was discovered an early Bronze Age barbecue, which was also found in all areas where the Kura-Araz culture was spread.

In the western part of the excavation a circular house with walls made by river stones and three utility wells was founded. Examples of material culture identified during the study include a large variety of tools, grinding and flint stones, arrowheads.

It is generally observed that, most of the materials were founded at the excavation site are ceramic products, which is one of the key factors determining the history of the monument. The semicircular handles found on most ceramic samples are the main attribute of the Kura-Araz culture.

Bones and needles made by bone, have pointed to a textile culture in the settlement.

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