Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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05.09.2019 16:33
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Scientific seminar Bulgaria-Azerbaijan held

Scientific seminar Bulgaria-Azerbaijan held

Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry named after acad. M. Naghiyev of ANAS hosted for a scientific seminar Bulgaria-Azerbaijan, on September 5.

Opening the event vice-president of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Dilgam Taghiyev spoke of scientific ties in this realm.

Academician D.Taghiyev also spoke about the project, won by the scientific cooperation agreement between ANAS and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BEA). He said that Evelina Slavcheva, chairman of the BEA General Meeting, Director of the Institute for Electrochemistry and Energy Systems, and Elitsa Petkucheva, a research fellow at the Institute, are visiting our country within the current project.

D. Tagiyev also spoke about joint research conducted by the institute with the Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems of the BAS.

Further, Professor Evelina Slavcheva made a presentation on “The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the latest achievements of the Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems”, devoted to the history, trends in the development of BAS, the fundamental reforms implemented at this institute, as well as fundamental and applied work.

Then, Elitza Petkucheva, researcher of BAN Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems were delivered a report on “Usage of a FeSe as a Photoabsorber in the Photochemical Destruction of Water”. The scientist, noting the scientific basis for the use of alternative energy sources, environmentally friendly and photoelectrochemical methods for producing hydrogen, brought to the attention the results.

At the end of the seminar, Deputy Director for scientific affairs of the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry, corresponding member of ANAS Mahammad Babanly brought to the attention that, the expansion of scientific relations between institutions can be useful for scientists of both parties.

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