Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


14.10.2019 10:15
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Iranian scientists informed on the achievements of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences

Iranian scientists informed on the achievements of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences

Academician-Secretary of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS, academician Ahliman Amiraslanov received the rector of Azad Islamic University in Iran, Professor Aziz Javanpur and the representative for medical education in Azerbaijan of the same scientific institution, Dr. Amini Tabrizi.

Speaking at the meeting, A.Amiraslanov spoke about the role of the Division of Medical Sciences in the structure of ANAS, the main areas of research, especially scientific and organizational achievements in the field of medical genetics and oncology in Azerbaijan.

He expressed satisfaction with the progressive development of relations with scientific and educational institutions of the Islamic Republic of Iran and stated that he was interested in further expanding and deepening these relations.

In turn, Professor A.Javanpur spoke about the Islamic Azad University in Tabriz, its faculties, strategies and achievements in the field of science and education, which have an excellent reputation in Iran and around the world, and currently educate 53,000 students. He expressed satisfaction with the meetings with the director of the Institute of Genetic Resources, corresponding member of ANAS Zeynal Akparov and scientists of the institute.

Further, prospects of scientific relations, as well as possible areas of joint research between the institutes of the Division of Medical Sciences, the Oncology Clinic of the Azerbaijan Medical University and the Islamic Azad University in Tabriz were discussed.

In conclusion, Professor A.Javanpur invited academician Ahliman Amiraslanov to the Azad Islamic University in Tabriz.

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