Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


14.10.2019 16:30
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Institute of History of ANAS and the Institute of World History of China will cooperate

Institute of History of ANAS and the Institute of World History of China will cooperate

Institute of History of ANAS hosted a round table on the theme "Azerbaijan and China on the Great Silk Road".

The event was attended by Azerbaijani and Chinese historians. The Chinese delegation was led by Professor Wang Chaoguang, Director of the Institute of General History of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS).

The director of the Institute of History, academician Yagub Mahmudov, who opened the event, said that the institute cooperates with scientific institutions in Turkey, Russia, China, Bulgaria, Poland, Egypt and other countries. According to the academician, Azerbaijani-Chinese relations have an ancient history: “The ancient Silk Road connected eastern and western civilizations, the cultures of China and the Mediterranean. In the Middle Ages, Azerbaijan was one of the most developed countries in the world. Our cities have become famous international shopping centers. On the initiative of the great leader Heydar Aliyev, an international conference was held in Baku in 1998 on the restoration of the historic Silk Road.”

Professor Wang Chaoguang in his speech noted that China and Azerbaijan are friendly countries: “The ancient Silk Road laid the foundations of friendly relations between our peoples. Studying the history of Chinese-Azerbaijani relations will reveal new facts."

During the event, it was stated that the visit of the great leader Heydar Aliyev to China in 1994 laid the foundation for bilateral relations between our countries. After the state visit of President Ilham Aliyev to China, these relations reached a qualitatively higher level.

Chinese scientist Khou Eijun emphasized that the Chinese primary sources contain important information about Azerbaijan and its cities, the Caspian Sea.

It is noted that in the near future the ANAS Institute of History will publish a book “From the History of Azerbaijani-Chinese Relations,” authored by historians Nargiz Akhundova and Kyhou Aijun, and academician Yagub Mahmudov as scientific editor.

At the event, an agreement was signed between the Institute of History of ANAS and the Institute of General History on the establishment of centers for the study of the history of Azerbaijani-Chinese relations. According to the agreement, these centers will study the history of relations between the two countries from ancient times to the present day. The works of Chinese scientists will be published in Azerbaijan, and the works of Azerbaijani historians in China.

The guests presented books on the history of Karabakh, the Irevan Khanate and Nakhchivan.

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