Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


28.10.2019 14:35
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Republican conference on "Actual problems of Azerbaijani linguistics"

Republican conference on "Actual problems of Azerbaijani linguistics"

Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi of ANAS hosted for the republican conference on topic "Actual problems of Azerbaijan linguistics” devoted to the 70th anniversary of the well-known turkologist, professor Mahabbat Mirzaliyeva.

An exhibition of scietnist’s works was also organized during the conference.

The event was opened by the director of the Institute of Linguistics academician Mohsun Naghisoylu and said that, scientist graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Baku State University in 1971 and defended his PhD thesis on "Types of verbs in the modern Azerbaijani language and related categories", and doctoral thesis on "Theoretical Foundations of Turkish Phraseology." M. Mirzaliyeva worked as a consultant in the Department of Humanitarian Policy of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 1993-1996, and at the head Department of Humanitarian and Social Sciences of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 1996-2001.

Then, the rector of Azerbaijan University of Languages academician Kamal Abdullayev shared his memories about M. Mirzaliyeva, who said that the scientist conducted important researches on linguistic problems, including in the field of Turkology.

Professor Ismayil Kazimov's lecture on "The versatility of Mahabbat Mirzaliyeva’s activity”, Assoc. Prof. Gatiba Mahmudova on "Scientific heritage of Mahabbat Mirzaliyeva" and Shabnam Hasanli's “Life course of Mahabbat Mirzaliyeva" were listened at the event.

Then, scientist’s sister Aybeniz Mirzaliyeva on behalf of the scientist's family expressed her gratitude to the organizers and participants of the conference.

Note that the conference will focus on following sections - "Mahabbat Mirzaliyeva's personality and linguistic encounters", "Issues in the study of modern Azerbaijani language", "Actual problems of Turkish philology", "General and theoretical linguistic issues” etc.

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