Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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30.10.2019 11:48
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Economist Khosrov Karimov commemorated

Economist Khosrov Karimov commemorated

Institute of Economics of ANAS held an event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Khosrov Karimov, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor.

At the event, director of the Institute of Economics, Professor Nazim Imanov described the late scientist as a talented organizer of science and education, a prominent economist and a dedicated teacher. He said that his memory will always live in the hearts of those who know him.

Later, corresponding member of ANAS Shahbaz Muradov delivered a lecture on “A prominent scientist and educator”, Dr. Economy associate professor Seyfaddin Samandarov on "The best scientist and professional researcher of the history of economic thought in Azerbaijan", PhD in economy Farhad Garayev on "Science and Education Services".

Lectures conduct that, H. Karimov studied in postgraduate study at the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan in 1971-76 and wrote a thesis on the economic problems of the transitional period under the scientific supervision of academician Bahman Akhundov. He successfully defended his research work in 1979 and received a PhD in economics.

It was noted that H. Karimov's scientific activity since the 1970s continued at the Institute of Economics of ANAS and Baku State University. He has authored more than 200 scientific works - monographs, articles, textbooks and teaching aids. The main economic problems in the area of scientific interest of the economist - transitional relations, historical issues of economic thinking of the Azerbaijani people, evolution and development of economic science, concepts of modern economic globalization, development and improvement of foreign economic relations of Azerbaijan, modern national model etc.

It was brought to mind that, the scientist is the first and only researcher of many current problems in Azerbaijan's economic thinking. Economic ideas of the Azerbaijani people in the XV-XVIII centuries (I. Nasimi, M. Fuzuli, Sh.I. Khatai, M.P. Vagif – economic opinions of Azerbaijan Khanate period, and economic ties of M.A. Sabir period) the study of economic ideas constitutes the main directions of his scientific activity. For the first time, Karimov studied the economic platform of the Azerbaijan People Republic and published works on the economic world meeting of M.A. Rasulzadeh, M.B. Mammadzadeh.

At the event, vice president of the International Independent Economic Model Association Selim Hotil, author of "New message" Gokhan Demir, corresponding member of ANAS Islam Mustafayev, Professor Dunyamali Veliyev and others spoke about the high human qualities of H. Karimov.

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