Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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30.10.2019 14:29
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ANAS held a scientific conference on "Nasimi heritage in the context of oriental literary and philosophical thinking"

ANAS held a scientific conference on "Nasimi heritage in the context of oriental literary and philosophical thinking"

ANAS Institute of Oriental Studies held a scientific conference on "Nasimi heritage in the context of oriental literary and philosophical thinking" dedicated to the 650th anniversary of the great Azerbaijani poet Imadaddin Nasimi on October 30.

Opening the event, academician-secretary of the ANAS Division of Social Sciences, academician Nargiz Akhundova recalled that 2019 was declared the “Nasimi Year” by the Order of AR President and the 650th anniversary of the great poet was widely celebrated in our country.

At conference Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, academician Govhar Bakhshalieva delivered paper on “Importance of Nasimi heritage today”, and noted that, the announcement by the AR President of the country of 2019 as a “Nasimi Year” is a manifestation of great attention paid to high ideals, spiritual life, culture, poetry, art and their development in our country. G.Bakhshalieva described the great poet and humanist as an author who played an exceptional role in the formation of the Azerbaijani language.

Nasimi's work was a huge protest against occupation, social injustice, cruelty and all kinds of oppression. His poems, glorifying the human mind and beauty, freed man from fanaticism and superstition, all kinds of prohibitions. The main idea of Nasimi’s work is to educate a new, free-spirited person who can overcome all kinds of hardships and not tolerate injustice.

Further, Deputy Director of ANAS Institute of Manuscripts, Doctor of Philology Pasha Karimov delivered a paper on "Nasimi’s manuscripts and his followers in world libraries".

Speaking about modern research and publication of manuscripts by Nasimi, the scientist especially noted the activities of Professor Jahangir Gahramanov in the study of the poet’s Divan in his native language and his manuscripts.

Pasha Karimov also talked about manuscripts that he acquired from the Ankara National Library in recent years, and manuscripts of works by Nasimi followers in various libraries around the world.

Next were heard the reports “Nasimi's Prose Creativity”, “The Radif and Rhyme System in Nasimi's Works”, “Nasimi in Arabic Literature (based on A.Galachi's Research)”, “Guran Wisdom in the Poem by Said Imadaddin Nasimi”

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