Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


20.11.2019 10:13
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Azerbaijan-Kazakhstan International Archaeological Expedition has conducted field studies in Sheki

Azerbaijan-Kazakhstan International Archaeological Expedition has conducted field studies in Sheki

The Azerbaijan-Kazakhstan International Archaeological Expedition has carried out field studies at the Tapabashi monument in Fazil village of Sheki district.

The expedition head from Azerbaijan is the head department of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, Dr. History Zaur Hasanov and Professor Zaynolla Samashev from Kazakhstan. The research was carried out on the basis of an agreement signed between the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography and the “Berel” State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve of Kazakhstan.

The cameral analysis of the materials collected during the expedition was carried out, orthophotoplanes were made based on drones (quadcopter) excavations in the excavation site and topographic measurements taken by the tachometer (total station). The drone shootings were carried out by employees of the High Technology Park of ANAS.

During archeological investigations, tombs and altar monuments were preserved to varying degrees from the Iron and Antiquities. Different aspects of the life and culture of the ancient population of the mentioned historical periods - weapons, assorted ceramic plates, bronze and stone products, kauri skins and other artifacts were discovered.

Burials concerning to Iron age, Antique and the latest Antique periods have been founded as well. Coal and bone fossils obtained to determine the age of these burials will be sent to leading foreign laboratories for radio-carbon analysis, as well as to the corresponding laboratory operating at the ANAS. Based on the results, scientists will try to determine the features of the transition from the Iron Age to ancient times in Azerbaijan. Archaeological research in Sheki is of great importance in identifying the historical features of the ancient Albanian state and the stages of the transition from the Iskitic period to the Albanian period in the history of Azerbaijan.

The expedition also carried out exploration works at the Dokhun Antique Age Monument in Kish village of Sheki. Shootings were carried out using drones and tachometer meters, and orthophotoplane of the area was prepared based on the data collected.

The archeological expedition will continue its work until 2020.

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