Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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09.12.2019 14:34
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2nd International Scientific Conference “Nasimi, Your Word Conquered the World” kicked off

2nd International Scientific Conference “Nasimi, Your Word Conquered the World” kicked off

On December 9, 2nd International Scientific Conference “Nasimi, Your Word Conquered the World” was held at the Central Scientific Library of ANAS. It was dedicated to the 650th anniversary of the famous Azerbaijani poet Imadeddin Nasimi.

Conference organized by the Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi was attended by representatives from Russia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkey.

In advance, an exhibition organized by the Institute of Literature devoted to poet’s creativity was demonstrated.

Opening the event, ANAS vice president, director of the Institute of Literature academician Isa Habibbayli said that the announcement of 2019 in the country as the “Year of Nasimi” by the relevant Order of President Ilham Aliyev is an indicator of high appreciation and respect for the work of the great thinker. He noted that in accordance with this decree, a number of events were held in the country and abroad, dedicated to the poet’s anniversary, including various conferences, scientific sessions, works of the great poet, timed to coincide with Nasimi’s creativity, which were published in 11 languages. Academician I. Habibbayli praised the participation in the conference of foreign and local scientists and famous intellectuals as a manifestation of popular love for the poet's work.

ANAS vice-president underlined that, great leader Heydar Aliyev has taken important steps to systematically research and promote Nasimi’s legacy and perpetuate his memory. At the initiative of a nationwide leader, Nasimi’s 600th birthday was included in the list of UNESCO events and was celebrated internationally in 1973. Extensive research was carried out regarding the creative heritage of the great poet, a statue of Nasimi was erected in Baku, a feature film was shot that illuminated his philosophy, a mass publication of Nasimi's works in his native language took place. As a result of the work done over the years, Nasimi was shown to the world as an Azerbaijani poet.

“Nasimi is an influential Azerbaijani poet and thinker, known throughout the East and able to take the horizons of our country far from its borders,” said academician I. Habibbayli and brought to attention that this year 19 books dedicated to Nasimi’s work were published in ANAS. The academician noted that the peculiarities of these books, which form the basis of ANAS “Nasimi study”, are the presentation of Nasimi philosophy along with the national and moral values of the people to which the great poet belongs: “In the light of recent studies, you can re-evaluate Nasimi’s heritage and revive its magnificent image.”

Higlighting Nasimi poetry the greatest literary peak of the era after Nizami Ganjavi and before Muhammad Fizuli, I. Habibbayli noted that the poet, creator of the concept of a perfect person, promoted the moral improvement of a person as the basis for the development of society.

Arguing that the ideas of a great thinker continue to exist in the modern world, ANAS vice-president emphasized the special role of Nasimi’s heritage in educating new generations in the direction of moral improvement. He noted that the tragic end of the life of a writer is an expression of his self-expression as a hero poet who fights for the ideal person.

In conclusion of his speech, I. Habibbayli said that today's conference is the result of work carried out in 2019 to research and popularize Nasimi’s heritage, and wished the event success.

Next, director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of ANAS academician Govkhar Bakhshalieva, director of the National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature academician Rafael Huseynov, employee of the Institute of Literature, Language and Folklore of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan Ergash Ochilov, associate professor of the Tajik State Institute of Languages, PhD in Philology Rukhshona Vasiyeva, Deputy Vice President for International Affairs of the Russian Philosophical Society PhD in Philosophy Ariz Gozalov, chief department of the Institute of Literature, Doctor of Philological Sciences Associate Professor Farida Azizova and others spoke about the work of Nasimi and noted that the rich heritage of the great poet, played a positive role in the history of art and philosophical thought of the Azerbaijani people.

The conference continued in breakout sessions.

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