Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


“Bird Language” by Mohsun Nasiri reprinted
24.12.2019 11:40
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“Bird Language” by Mohsun Nasiri reprinted

Employees of the Nizami Ganjavi Center of ANAS Ganja Division have reprinted the book "Bird language" from "Tutinama" series by the young poet and publisher Mohsun Nasiri.

Professor Khalil Yusif is the author of the book and the “Preface”.

“Lisan-ut-teyr”, that is “Bird language”, the only work of Mohsun Nasiri, who was known with his closety to the palace during the reign of Javad khan, was penned by the order of Javad khan Ziyadoglu Qajar. The work is one of the first classical examples of classical fiction written in the XVIII century in the native language and contains poet's 130 poems. The works also includes poems by Nizami, Firdovsi, Hafiz, Sadi, and others.

The book is a valuable source for the study of medieval Azerbaijani literature, as well as a deeper study of the creativity of Mohsun Nasiri.

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