Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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17.01.2020 18:33
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Meeting of the Presidium of ANAS Divisions of Chemichal Sciences and Ganja

Meeting of the Presidium of ANAS Divisions of Chemichal Sciences and Ganja

On January 17, a regular meeting of the Presidium of ANAS was held.

At the event, a minute of silence was honored the memory of martyrs on January 20.

Opening the meeting President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev noted that today reports will be listened on the results of scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the Division of Chemical Sciences of ANAS and Ganja Division of ANAS in 2019.

Then a report was delivered by the chairman of the Division of Chemical Sciences, vice-president of ANAS, academician Dilgam Taghiyev. The academician said that in the reporting year, activities of the scientific institutions of the Division were based on state programs, orders of the head of ANAS and resolutions of the Presidium.

Presenting statistics on the Division, Academician D. Tagiyev noted that last year research was conducted in 43 research institutions on research topics covering 12 issues, and work on 11 topics was completed. He emphasized that in the field of basic scientific research, scientific institutions of the division and higher educational institutions of the republic received 21 important scientific results. The speaker said that 20 patents were received at the institutes, and added that in the reporting year, three applied works proposed by scientific institutions were tested in various organizations, and positive results were obtained.

Speaking about training, academician noted that 39 doctoral students in the preparation of doctors of philosophy and 33 doctoral students in the training of doctors of sciences are receiving education at scientific institutions. Having said that 11 works were prepared for defense in the scientific institutions of the Division, scientist added that in the reporting year, 18 people entered the master's degree on the basis of a state order.

At the event, D. Tagiyev spoke about the publishing activities of the Division. He said that 6 monographs and 14 books were published, 226 articles were published in journals with an impact factor, 1,115 articles and abstracts were published, 403 of which were published abroad.

Academician Dilgam Taghiyev noted that in the reporting year, the institutes of the Division continued to develop their international scientific relations. In his report, the speaker also spoke about conferences and anniversaries held in scientific institutions, structural changes, awards, foreign business trips, the integration of science and education, the activities of young scientists and specialists.

After listening to the report, discussions were held, questions were responded. Academicians Vagif Abasov, Vagif Farzaliyev and Rasim Alguliyev, corresponding members of ANAS Bakhtiyar Mammadov and Muhammad Babanli participated in the discussions.

Having taken into account a number of proposals and opinions, Presidium approved the report on the scientific, scientific and organizational activities of the Division in 2019. It was decided to approve and include in the annual report of the Academy the important scientific and applied results obtained last year in the Department of Chemical Sciences and relevant scientific and educational institutions. Instructions were given aimed at conducting research in accordance with the priority areas that were reflected in the "Development Program of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan for 2020-2025", se of mathematical modeling and information technology in the study of chemical and technological processes, expansion of work on the development at the institutes of the Division of high technology and cooperation with the High Technologies Park of ANAS.

The resolution also reflected issues such as the integration of science and education, increasing the competitiveness of projects submitted to grant competitions from international organizations, increasing the number of articles published in journals with a high impact factor, which are part of the “Web of Science database". The scientific institutions of the Division were instructed to continue research covering various scientific areas.

The next item on the agenda was the report of the Ganja Division. The chairman of the Division, academician Fuad Aliyev, said that last year research in the scientific institutions of the Division was carried out in accordance with decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and resolutions of the Presidium. He emphasized that in the reporting year, activities of the scientific institutions of the Ganja Division were based on “Strategic road maps for the national economy and main sectors of the economy”, Development Concept “Azerbaijan 2020: a look into the future”, “National Strategy for the Preservation and Continued Use of Biological diversity in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2017-2020 ”, “Doctrine of the development of science in Azerbaijan ”, provisions of the ANAS General meeting and state programs.

Speaking about the statistical indicators for the Division, scientist noted that in research institutions at 38 stages 21 work was carried out, covering 23 topics on four problems. In the reporting year, 122 scientific papers, 1 book, 3 monographs, and 88 articles saw the light. Along with this, speaker said that 32 articles and 9 abstracts were published abroad. F.Aliyev emphasized that 19 articles were published in journals with an impact factor, currently, two doctoral students and three dissertants for the training of doctors of sciences, 6 doctoral students and 10 dissertants for the training of doctors of philosophy are getting education at the scientific institutions of the Division.

The scientist said that in the reporting year, international scientific cooperation was continued, the staff conducted joint research with colleagues from research centers in Italy, France, the Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, etc.

Last year, members of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Division took part in 12 republican and 10 international scientific conferences as speakers and moderators. In authoritative journals with impact factor, which are published in 10 different countries of the world, up to 40 scientific works of young researchers have been published.

Based on the "National Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2014-2020", the staff of the Information Technology Department did specific work aimed at the development of electronic science.

Speaking about the integration of science and education, academician F. Aliyev noted that the basic departments of Ganja State University, Azerbaijan State Agrarian University and Azerbaijan Technological University, which were created in the Ganja Division, continued their work, joint work was carried out aimed at training young scientific personnel, publishing scientific papers , articles and monographs, conducting joint research, academic and information exchange.

After listening to the report, discussions were held, suggestions and opinions were voiced. By a resolution of the Presidium, a report on the scientific, scientific and organizational activities of the Ganja Division of ANAS in 2019 was adopted.

The event also adopted a resolution on the 70th anniversary of academician Fuad Aliyev.

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