Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Presentation of the journal "Turkology" at Samarkand State University
10.02.2020 14:10
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Presentation of the journal "Turkology" at Samarkand State University

The presentation of the international journal "Turkology", founded by the Presidium of ANAS, was held at the Alisher Navoi Samarkand State University.

The event was attended by professor-teacher staff of Philology and History faculties, dissertants and students.

First, dean of the Faculty of Philology Professor Zhelyboy Eltazarov spoke about the history of the journal, noting that a similar publication was published in the Soviet Union under the name "Soviet Turkology" only in Azerbaijan. Having informed about the activities of the journal, Zh. Eltazarov announced his intentions to cooperate with this printing body in the future.

Then the executive secretary of the journal, head of the Turkish Languages Department of the Linguistics Institute named after Nasimi of ANAS Ph.D. in Philology Elchin Ibrahimov. He said that the journal publishes articles on the history of Turkology, rich cultural heritage, written monuments, mythology, language and literary problems, examples of art and philosophical ideas of Turkic peoples. The scientist said that the journal for the humanities is popular in the Turkic world.

In conclusion, Elchin Ibrahimov responded numerous questions of doctoral students and dissertants.

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