National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS held an event dedicated to the Novruz holiday, its traditions and attributes.
At the event, the head of the department of Science Development and Educational Projects of the museum, Doctor of philological sciences, professor Kamil Allahyarov delivered a lecture entitled "Novruz - the oldest astronomical holiday in the world", dedicated to the ancient religious traditions of Novruz.
K. Allahyarov said that the exact day of Novruz was determined by the new solar calendar, which was developed by a group of scientists led by astronomer and poet Omar Khayyam in the eleventh century.
Discussions were held around the report, answers to questions were given. The discussions were attended by Professor Khatira Bashirli, PhD in Philology Natavan Mustafayeva and the head of the Department of Clarification, Storage of the Exposition and Audio Surveillance Tomiris Babanli and others.
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