Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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05.11.2014 00:00
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Next meeting of Presidium of ANAS

Next meeting of Presidium of ANAS

Next meeting of Presidium of ANAS was held.

Opening the event President of National Academy of Sciences, Akif Alizadeh informed about the issues on the agenda.

Firstly, director of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes, Vagif Abbasov reported on “Creating biologically active reagents, fertilizer and initial testing”.

According to the report, prepared acquisition method of purification technology of Naphthalene oil and “White Naphthalene oil” is a result of many years of medical research of the institute. The oil registered as a medicine by Ministry of Health in 2014.

The occasion was discussed. Academicians Ahliman Amiraslanov, Garib Mammadov and others gave questions.

New structure of Collection Report about ANAS annual activity approved by Presidium decision. The goal is modern, comprehensive, objective and clear compile of traditional reporting form of scientific institutes.

Nuride Guliyeva, director of “Baku Science Festival 2014”, PhD in history informed about action plan and carried works.

Later academician Akif Alizadeh spoke of the need for high level participation of all ANAS devisions within the frame of preparation for “Baku Science Festival 2014”.

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