Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Acad. Vagif Farzaliyev’s 75th jubilee to be celebrated
06.11.2014 00:00
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Acad. Vagif Farzaliyev’s 75th jubilee to be celebrated

During the meeting of the Presidium of ANAS November 5, 2014 was decided to hold the 75th anniversary of academician Vagif Farzaliyev.

The decree provides excitement petition before the relevant state organs for the purpose of awarding the academician V. Farzaliyev with honorary diploma of ANAS for his merits in the development of chemical science in Azerbaijan, to celebrate his 75th anniversary and to coverage materials about his life and scientific activity.

Note that Honored Worker of Science, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, academician Vagif Farzaliyev was born December 19, 1939 in Baku.

Scientist has carried out the synthesis of numerous additives of various functional action to lubricants, fuels and cutting fluids.

Based on the results of theoretical studies on the mechanism of action of functional additives, as well as their influence on the composition and structure of the functional efficiency of the actions he had developed the scientific basis for the creation of high-performance additives.

For the first time he had established the mechanism of antioxidant action of sulfur-containing derivatives of phenols and aromatic amines. The results of these studies allowed to synthesizing a series of new high-performance antioxidant additives combined action.

After finishing secondary school N 189, he entered the Azerbaijan State University Faculty of Chemistry (1958). Graduated with honors (1963), accepted into the postgraduate study Institute of Petrochemical Processes. He defended candidature thesis in 1968, doctoral thesis in 1986 over “Oil chemistry”. In 1987 he became a professor in “Chemicals”. Executes the post of the director of the Institute of Chemical Additives of ANAS. In 2001 he was elected a corresponding member since 2007 - active member of ANAS. From 1979 Vagif Farzaliyev is an advisor of the UNESCO additives and lubricants.

The scientist is the author of 583 scientific publications, including 106 patents, and 2 monographs.

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