Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Bureau assembly of the Department of Physical-Mathematical and Technical Sciences held
27.10.2014 00:00
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Bureau assembly of the Department of Physical-Mathematical and Technical Sciences held

ANAS Institute of Physics hosted for the bureau assembly of theDepartment of Physical-Mathematical and Technical Sciences. Assembly was opened by academician-secretary acad. Akif Hajiyev.

Speaking in the event, director of the institute corresponding member of ANAS Nazim Mammadov informed about the issues on the agenda.

Deputy Director of the institute for Innovation and Transfer Dr. physics-math Ayaz Bayramov delivered a lecture on “Development of advanced thin-film technology in the Institute of Physics of ANAS”. Lecture conducts info about researches in the institute, achievements, as well as the most modern technological equipment here. Finally, A. Bayramov responded the questions.

Noted that, in accordance with the rules of the Innovation sector, equipment in the Institute of Physics is also available for employees of the other institutes but they do not take advantage of these opportunities. It was decided to discuss this issue at a meeting of the Presidium.

Finally, the reports of grant projects which were winners of “Science Foundation”, State Oil Company of Azerbaijan have been attended and confirmed.

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