Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


21.07.2020 11:59
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The first meeting of the Commission on Inventory of ANAS was held

The first meeting of the Commission on Inventory of ANAS was held

The first meeting of the Inventory Commission was held, which was created by order of the President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev to compile a list of land plots, perennial plantings and other agricultural materials on the balance sheet of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS to clarify data about them.

The meeting was held in compliance with the rules of quarantine and social distance, some members of the commission and responsible persons took part in the meeting through the Zoom platform.

Vice-president of ANAS, academician Irada Huseynova, presiding over the event, said that the purpose of the above order is to improve the database on scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS and on land plots under their authority. She noted that this order is one of the important steps aimed at organizing activities in the field of agricultural sciences at a high level, conducting more effective multidisciplinary research and expanding activities for the application of scientific achievements and innovations.

The scientist emphasized that in the "Development Program of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan for 2020-2025" adopted in ANAS, special attention is paid to agricultural research. She spoke about the importance of rational use of land plots on the balance sheet of ANAS institutes in carrying out these studies, as well as in implementing projects jointly with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Then the Chairman of the Commission, Deputy Head of the Office of Affairs of the Presidium of ANAS, PhD in Agricultural Sciences Aladdin Eyvazov spoke about the work done so far to implement the relevant order and the problems that can be encountered when using land plots, technical means and buildings. under the authority of research bases and strong points. Saying that many of the relevant structures do not have provisions and that the mandates and areas of scientific activity of the institutes are not observed when using lands, Aladdin Eyvazov reported on the results of the inventory carried out at the sites near Baku and added that work would soon be continued in the regions.

In his speech at the meeting, head of the Office of Affairs of the Presidium of ANAS Professor Elton Mammadov highly appreciated the data on the results of preliminary monitoring, presented by the Chairman of the Commission, and stressed the need for an integrated, conceptual approach to problems. Elton Mammadov expressed hope that as a result of the inventory, decisions will be made aimed at obtaining important innovative achievements.

Further, members of the Commission and responsible persons of the relevant institutions spoke about the current state of affairs on this issue and answered questions addressed to them.

In conclusion, academician Irada Huseynova gave instructions aimed at systematizing, within one month, data on the result of inventory of lands and other materials that are on the balance sheet and in use of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS, and submitting them to the leadership of the Academy.

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