Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


ANAS expands communications of the international scientific cooperation
20.11.2014 00:00
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ANAS expands communications of the international scientific cooperation

President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh has accepted Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Israel in Azerbaijan Mr.Raphael Harpaz. Having warmly welcomed the guests, Academician told about the friendly relations existing between two countries within long years. The ANAS President noted that expansion of communications of cooperation in the corresponding areas of science is of great importance for both countries. Speaking about the forthcoming visit to Israel, the President of ANAS expressed intention to examine experience of this country in the sphere of integration of science and education: “Today the science of Israel reached very important results. This country has a wide experience in the field of development of science, education and innovative technologies”. The ANAS President expressed interest in mutual cooperation with scientific institutions and educational institutions of Israel in the field of physics, geophysics, Earth sciences, medicine and agrarian sciences. In turn, R.Harpaz, having noted that in Israel live more than 70 thousand Azerbaijanians, and reported that will be glad to see the academician A. Alizadeh in Israel and he submitted to the management of academy the invitation letter. The ambassador reported about preparation of the special program concerning promotion of science and historical monuments of Israel for the purpose of even more effective organization of visit of the President of ANAS to Israel. Need of signing of the cooperation agreement between ANAS and Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities was also noted. During the event, it was reported that the established connection will play a big role in achievement of important scientific results and will make the contribution to further development of prospects of cooperation of two countries. It was also noted that the exchange of knowledge and experience between two countries will create a basis for further expansion of research opportunities.

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