In recent years, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences held a series of reforms in order to further development of Azerbaijani science, its role in the socio-economic development of the country. One of the reforms associated with increased quality of research training.
President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh during last November 24 meeting with the Department of Foreign Languages of ANAS noted the need for ownership of knowledge of foreign languages in order to benefit from the latest global scientific developments, at a high level to represent our country in international conferences, establish international scientific cooperation, publish articles in international journals with high citation index. To implement these requirements, the president of ANAS gave instructions related to improving activities of the department, bringing the examination and the educational process to the level of modern requirements, equipping rooms with ICT facilities.
As directed by the leadership of ANAS teachers of foreign languages department visited the Institute of Information Technology in order to learn the experience of the educational process and examinations in the field of science education. Head of Training and Innovation Centre of the institute Rasmiya Mahmudova informed the guests about the activities of the center and noted that since 2003, based on the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of Azerbaijan Republic and the Presidium of ANAS, the center implements teaching of computer science for doctoral students and candidates around the country, as well as receiving a doctor's examination. It was noted that the lessons are conducted by highly qualified specialists and scientists of the institute and training programs are regularly updated in line with the pace of development of information technologies. R. Mahmudov also noted that in the center since 2011 are being providing services of distance education.
During the meeting, the guests were also given information about Information System of “Training Center”, created for the purpose of storage and automatic processing of application materials. It was noted that the materials collected in the system, provide an opportunity to assess the state of research training in the country.
In conclusion, the director of the Institute of Information Technologies, academician-secretary of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliyev held a round table with the guests.
He put forward their proposals relating to the strengthening of the material-technical base of the department through the use of ICT, improvement of the educational process, young scientists studying foreign languages necessary for scientific activity, the transformation of existing educational tools in distance education resources through digitization, organization of summer and winter schools, development of English speaking skills of doctoral students and candidates, conducting scientific conferences in English, establishing interactive relationship with doctoral students and candidates.
Then there was an exchange of views on the participation of teachers in training courses, attracting the chair of young cadres, to stimulate activity of teachers and others.
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